Nurturing Spirit

This site is totally dedicated for Astrological prediction i.e. Horoscope, Palmistry, Numerology, Tarot Card Reading. Also, astrological analysis for various issues and astrological article for learner will be highlighted. Astrologer Amlan Basu will be fully responsible for this.

Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Mars holds a very important planet in our horoscopes. It is the planet of action and our capacity to project emotion - its nature is that of a brave warrior, one who is also ruthless. A correct balance of Martian energy is the most desirable in all lives - but unfortunately, only a lucky few possess this dynamic balance. Mars is the planet of emotional excitability, which can become violence. Generally speaking, Venus is the planet of emotion sensitivity, which can become refinement while Mars represents the malefic side of our emotions.

On the positive side, a strong Mars is necessary to give us the energy, independence, will and self-confidence to carry out our endeavors. Without this we would have no real interest, passion or motivation to carry out anything to an end and accomplish its objective. On the negative side, the same aggression brings about competition, argument and conflict - which, if unchecked can lead to domination, violence and injury.

Mars indicates premature death; as with loss of partner, particularly so when Mars is afflicted by "Kuja Dosha". This affliction of Mars in a chart commonly makes the horoscope to be known as a Manglik horoscope. When the planet Mars is occupies the house of ascendant, 1st, 2nd , 4th , 7th , 8th and 12th in anybody’s birth chart or horoscope. Then the Mars considered malicious and the person called Mangalik. But, only the direct aspects or combination of Jupiter can totally emulate the terrible effect of Mars. The bad effect is the untimely death, separation or divorce of the life partner of the Mangalik person. That is why, the mangalik boy can marry only the mangalik girl. This precaution must be taken in advance or before marriage to cope out from the terrible trauma. There are of course conditions when this affliction of "Kuja Dosha" is reduced to some extent.

These are:
• Mars in 1st House is in Aries
• Mars in 4th House is in Scorpio
• Mars in the 7th House is in Capricorn or Pisces
• Mars in the 8th House is in Cancer
• Mars in the 12th House is in Sagittarius

The very obvious and only means to cancellation of "Kuja Dosha" or malefic effect of a Manglik horoscope is that the person with such a horoscope marries another with a similar affliction. Recourse to divinity, especially to Lord Hanumaan is said to be effective armour against malefic effect of "Kuja Dosha".
So called mangalik is a serious problem in the Hindus for the marriage. As per general rule of manglik, every 5 person out of 12 are always manglik. It means approximate 42 % population is always manglik. This is a serious problem to search a match for manglik girl / boy. But this is not truth. There are further more rules and condition for the Manglik Dosh, after that few person remain manglik, and again there are some rules applied on individual horoscope, then most of manglik declared person become non-manglik, while you search a manglik match for you / your non-manglik daughter / son.

What will mangalik dosh effect in your married life?
What are the possible ramifications?

Mars (Mangal) placed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house from ascendant (Lagna), Moon and Venus results in the Mangalik Dosha.

The Importance of Mars in Mangalik Dosha

Mars is a cruel planet astrologically. Mars is a natural significator of Courage, Aggression, Violence, Property, Coborns to name a few. In terms of Marriage it acquires supreme importance as here it signifies Passion, the Husband, the Marital Knot, sex, etc. Moreover, the role of Mars in the generation of progeny cannot be underestimated.
Mangalik Dosha in Relation to Planets
Mangalik Dosha is considered from
the Ascendant as it signifies everything about self.
Mangalik Dosha is considered from
the Moon as it signifies heart, emotions.
Mangalik Dosha is considered from
Venus as it signifies marriage, spouse, and bed pleasures.

Mangalik Dosha in Relation to Houses

1st House signifies Self in general and placement/aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems in certain cases.
2nd House signifies Finance, Family among other things and placement/ aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases.
4th House signifies Domestic happiness, family and material comforts among other things and placement/aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases.
7th House signifies spouse, marriage, married life among other things and placement/ aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases.
8th House signifies Longevity, Mangalya (marital bond) in females among other things and placement/aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases.
12th House signifies Bed comforts, sexual enjoyment among other things and placement/aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases.

The Effects of Placement of Mars in Specific Houses:

Placement in 1st house: Being placed in the 1st house it will aspect 4th house, 7th house and 8th house hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.
Placement in 2nd house: Being placed in the 2nd house it will aspect 5th house (Children, emotions, intellect), 8th house and 9th(Fortune, Prosperity and Progeny in females) house hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.
Placement in 4th house: Being placed in the 4th house it will aspect 7th house, 10th house (career, fame) and 11th house (gains, elevation of spouse) hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.
Placement in 7th house: Being placed in the 7th house it will aspect 10th house, 1st house and 2nd house hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.
Placement in 8th house: Being placed in the 8th house it will aspect 11th house, 2nd house and 3rd house (inclination, courage, vigour), hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.
Placement in 12th house: Being placed in the 12th house it will aspect 3rd house, 6th house (debts, disease, competition) and 7th house, hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.

The Nature of Mangalik Dosha

It is believed that Mangalik dosha is mild if it is from the Ascendant. This affliction is stronger from the Moon and strongest from Venus.
Mars placement in 1st, 2nd, 4th and 12th house indicates mild Dosha. Mars placement in 7th or 8th house results in greater Dosha.
Neutralizing of Mangalik Dosha
The effects of the Mangalik Dosha are neutralized in various ways. But here we can mention a few Vedic Astrology Principles.
If Mangalik Dosha is found in both the male and the female horoscope the effects of the dosha are neutralized.
If Jupiter aspects or conjoins Mars, the effects of the dosha are neutralized.
If Mars and Rahu are placed together in the horoscope, the effects of the dosha are neutralized.
If Mars is placed in his own house or in exaltation, the effects of the dosha are neutralized.
If Mars is placed in 7th house and ascendant lord happens to be Saturn the effects of the dosha are neutralized.
If Mars is placed in 8th house and ascendant lord happens to be Venus the effects of the dosha are neutralized.
If Mars is placed in 8th house with Jupiter as 8th lord the effects of the dosha are neutralized.
If Mars is placed in 12th house with Venus as 12th lord the effects of the dosha are neutralized.

So called mangalik is a serious problem in the Hindus for the marriage. As per general rule of manglik, every 5 person out of 12 are always manglik. It means approximate 42 % population is always manglik. This is a serious problem to search a match for manglik girl / boy. But this is not truth. There are further more rules and condition for the Manglik Dosh, after that few person remain manglik, and again there are some rules applied on individual horoscope, then most of manglik declared person become non-manglik, while you search a manglik match for you / your non-manglik daughter / son.


1. A retrograde Mercury ( apparent backward motion ) as it implies stalled and inhibited communications.
2. A retrograde Venus or Mars in women as it denotes the inability of sexual desire.


1. Venus with Mars.
2. Venus with Uranus.
3. A week Jupiter.
4. Venus-Rahu in 5th house or Venus-Mars in 5th house.
5. Venus-Rahu in 7th house or Venus-Mars in 7th house.
6. Venus-Rahu in 8th house or Venus-Mars in 8th house.
7. Venus-Rahu in 12th house or Venus-Mars in 12th house especially in Scorpio or Aries.

These above mentioned conditions will be totally nullified if planets are combined with strong Jupiter or directly aspects by the strong Jupiter. So, the planet Jupiter can be savior for the all human beings.

Planets generating difficult circumstances: traditionally Mars and Saturn; nowadays Uranus. The Sun is classed as a malefic in Indian (Vedic) astrology and also in Western Astrology when in conjunction (due to phenomenon of combustion — except when cazimi, i.e. in the heart of the Sun). The Dragon's Tail (Moon's south node) is malefic, though a "shadow planet" rather than a real rock. In Indian astrology both the Dragon's Head (Rahu) and Tail (Ketu) are considered serious malefics. The jury is still out on Pluto, but he is most likely malefic. Ceres it seems to me is generally malefic, especially in terms of natural disasters.


Blogger madhu said...

Please check our marriage compatibility

DOB: 28-AUGUST-1984
TIME: 14:54PM

DOB: 30-OCT-1982
TIME: APPR: 20:15 PM

12:10 AM  
Blogger madhu said...

plz help

12:11 AM  
Blogger madhu said...

Please check our marriage compatibility

DOB: 28-AUGUST-1984
TIME: 14:54PM

DOB: 30-OCT-1982
TIME: APPR: 20:15 PM

12:11 AM  
Blogger MITU said...

NAME: amit
DOB: 26-03-1984
TIME: 08:53AM

7:11 AM  
Blogger Vivahsanyog said...

very nice information about
Manglik Matrimonial

1:53 AM  
Blogger Vivahsanyog said...

Dont believe in all the myths about mangik dosh. If you want to have some clarity on manglik dosh, please read- Myths About Manglik Dosh

8:26 PM  

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